# | Entity | Status | State |
1 | 29 203 985 117 The Trustee for the Estate for William Harris |
ABN Active | WA 6725 |
2 | 74 656 256 806 The Trustee for The Estate of the Late Theodore William Arthur Harris |
ABN Active | WA 6530 |
3 | 58 310 796 879 The Trustee for Davy Estate of the Late William Harry |
ABN Cancelled | NSW 2196 |
4 | 22 917 618 371 The trustee for William Harris Bankrupt Estate |
ABN Cancelled | NSW 2000 |
5 | 45 271 411 733 The Trustee for Estate of William Harry Whitford |
ABN Active | VIC 3198 |
6 | 51 300 187 841 The Trustee for Estate of William Harris |
ABN Cancelled | VIC 3805 |