# | Entity | Status | State |
1 | 24 837 977 597 The Trustee for The PT & JT SMSF Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | NSW 2112 |
2 | 40 171 837 438 The Trustee for PT Property NSW SMSF |
ABN Active | NSW 2155 |
3 | 60 538 587 519 The Trustee for PT Siassios SMSF |
ABN Active | VIC 3042 |
4 | 77 476 174 261 The Trustee for PT CHAPMAN SMSF |
ABN Active | VIC 3338 |
5 | 94 172 927 282 The Trustee for PT SMSF |
ABN Active | VIC 3352 |
6 | 98 854 882 759 The Trustee for PT YOUNG SMSF |
ABN Cancelled | QLD 4215 |