# | Entity | Status | State |
1 | 16 956 115 009 The Trustee for MCDERMOTT SUPERFUND |
ABN Cancelled | NSW 2477 |
2 | 23 869 805 064 The Trustee for Sharmaine McDermott Superfund |
ABN Active | QLD 4064 |
3 | 38 960 975 680 The Trustee for A&M McDermott Superfund |
ABN Active | QLD 4572 |
4 | 54 910 088 641 The Trustee for Rydah McDermott-Browne Superfund |
ABN Active | QLD 4019 |
5 | 65 249 967 942 The Trustee for MCDERMOTT Superfund |
ABN Active | QLD 4566 |
6 | 82 342 733 155 The trustee for Mullins & McDermott Superfund |
ABN Cancelled | QLD 4550 |