# | Entity | Status | State |
1 | 36 413 296 028 The Trustee for M & M BELL FAMILY SUPERANNUATION FUND |
ABN Active | NT 0870 |
2 | 91 756 824 625 The Trustee for The S & A-M Bell Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | ACT 2601 |
3 | 27 714 839 861 The Trustee for A & M Bell Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | NSW 2337 |
4 | 30 815 867 503 M.P BROWN & G.T BURNS & Davis Superannuation Fund & C.G MORRIS & A.C TAYLOR & The Trustee for Bell Family Trust & R.A VEALE |
ABN Cancelled | QLD 4556 |
5 | 33 465 150 741 The Trustee for M BELL SUPERANNUATION FUND |
ABN Active | NSW 2137 |
6 | 37 344 791 962 The Trustee for J and M Bell Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | NSW 2508 |
7 | 66 351 396 238 The Trustee for M & N Bell Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | QLD 4178 |
8 | 70 833 464 911 The Trustee for M.L Bell & D.K Robinson Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | NSW 2060 |
9 | 79 141 963 938 The Trustee for M P Bell Superannuation Fund |
ABN Cancelled | NSW 2066 |
10 | 96 914 425 041 The Trustee for A & M BELL SUPERANNUATION FUND |
ABN Cancelled | VIC 3204 |