Your search for the trustee for a s lim family trust found 4 entities with matching names.
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1 74 026 191 183
M.S Bajuri & A.A Kadir & M.S Kadir & Y.L Lim & I.H Merican & The Trustee for CWH family Trust
ABN Cancelled VIC
2 90 854 479 603
M.S Bajuri & A.A Kadir & M.S Kadir & Y.L Lim & I.H Merican & The Trustee for CWR Family Trust
ABN Active VIC
3 62 500 720 331
The Trustee for A & S LIM FAMILY TRUST
ABN Active VIC
4 90 226 974 881
The Trustee for A & S LIM FAMILY TRUST
ABN Cancelled VIC