# | Entity | Status | State |
1 | 19 700 968 370 The Trustee for ML & SJ Berryman Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | VIC 3095 |
2 | 31 925 178 848 The trustee for ML & SJ Butler Superannuation Fund |
ABN Cancelled | NT 0800 |
3 | 39 952 735 538 The Trustee for SJ & ML Collins Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | NSW 2000 |
4 | 41 634 920 167 The Trustee for SJ & ML Barrett Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | NSW 2773 |
5 | 55 914 637 622 The Trustee for ML & SJ Sugars Superannuation Fund |
ABN Active | SA 5074 |
6 | 59 895 234 231 THE SJ & ML SUPERANNUATION FUND |
ABN Active | VIC 3197 |