# | Entity | Status | State |
1 | 16 180 528 436 The Trustee for THE CHEWY SUPERANNUATION FUND |
ABN Active | SA 5096 |
2 | 20 569 322 045 The Trustee for The Chewy Family Trust |
ABN Cancelled | WA 6211 |
3 | 98 498 492 447 The trustee for the Chewie Trust |
ABN Cancelled | QLD 4069 |
4 | 22 882 958 589 The Trustee for Jedi&Chewi Family Trust |
ABN Active | QLD 4014 |
5 | 39 928 746 201 The Trustee for TRUMP AND CHEWY SUPERANNUATION |
ABN Cancelled | QLD 4508 |
6 | 45 654 716 579 THE CHEWY GUM BOYS PTY LTD |
ABN Active | QLD 4223 |
7 | 66 337 132 257 The Trustee for Chewy Investments |
ABN Cancelled | ACT 2617 |
8 | 72 489 921 893 The Trustee for Chewy kompolo Superannuation |
ABN Active | NSW 2745 |
9 | 95 853 486 641 The Trustee for Chewie Family Trust |
ABN Active | VIC 3003 |